Saturday, March 23, 2013

1/144 HG Cherudim Gao Gao Manufactured

 1/144 Cherudim Gao gao

Finally I can do a review again , long time not posting , it all because i got a busy schedule lately.Anyways now i back again to review my new kit and that is 1/144 Cherudim gao gao manufactured, I buy this kit just Rp 65.000,- IDR its pretty cheap from the original one that cost 1200 yen .I got no problem when build it ^^ so u might to check this out

 Side Box
- Box Open
 Like always gao gao HG kit , just contain 1 plastic bag for all runner and manual book ^^

 Runner color is good ^^, i love the green color too , just like dynamess ,its improvement from gao gao factory.
 not forget to coloring the Clear part using Marker ^^
hahaha the sticker , oh man just give us good quality stickers for god sake!!! im not going to use this anyway so its okay ^^ im just going use the eye sticker , cause i cant make eyes with marker , not yet haha


I got no problem at all in head , just the clear part is easy too fall off so becarefull if you open it ^^

 The clear part can open like picture on top and below , just like in the movie its for sniping the target , like i said its easy to fall off so becarefull not to lose it ^^


 I got no problem at all in the body , just hard snap fit i think ^^, detail is good too , it got thruster in the backpack

- Arms

The arm got no problem too , but i dunno it just mine or what , but the wrist articulation is weird , not like the original one , and i think it mus got trim at that part , but i dont want to take a risk to it , so i let it be like that .

Simple build , and got shield bit on his ass too hahaha

Forgot to take picture x_X will update soon hahaha


 we got a lot weapon too in this kit we got

 GN Pistol II and Gn Axe? haha
 GN Sniper Rifle II and we can Make into Gn Short rifle II
 And cherudim pilot is often use shortrange battle unlike the older brother who love to fight long range.
 And we got Base too, to place the GN Shield Bit
 Its nice so we can use our creativity to make unique Shield bit hahaha lets doit

Cherudim Gundam

Enjoy ^^ , nice kit nice detail

I have a difficulties to stand this kit , because his ass is too heavy thanks too that shield bit ^^.but it can stand , after a while i make it stand hahaha.

Enjoy pose
With GN Pistol II
hands up!!! hahaha

GN Rifle II

forgot to mention , this kit got extra accecories too , that Clear part on face i dunno what it called but its for sniping mor accurated hahaha
I deceide to paint the head camera with my silver marker ^^ its look good

GN Short Rifle II

Together With 00 Season II kit

 With Dynamess ^^ looking good together right ? ^^
Neil Dylandy and Lyle Dylandy Work togheter hahaha
U can check my Dynames review here Dynames
u can check my 00 Raiser review in 00 Raiser

- Cheaper price than original
-Nice accecories
- a lot gimmick we got
- Got Stand base for Shield Bit ^^
- NIce color , just like the original

- Hard on Snap fit ^^
- The arm articulation not good , idunno why its just mine or what
- The feet easy to fall off

Stay tune for other review ^^

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